Liberty Game Boy™ Emulator
Was $9.95
Now only $0.99!
The original Game Boy emulator for Palm OS!
Play HUNDREDS of your favorite games
FREE games
available for download
Save current game state for later play
Partial sound support
Completely customizable
What's new
August 19, 2012 -
What, you're still here?!?
Hard to believe it's been 12 years since we introduced Liberty.
A lot has changed in those past 12 years, but apparently there are
still a few of you out there, using and enjoying your Palm OS devices.
It's good to see you. Feel free to contact me any time if you have any questions. - Mike
January 7, 2006 -
Moved Server
Due to extensive downtimes and glitches with our
previous host, we have moved to a new hosting
service. Please let us know if you find any
broken links. Thanks for dropping by!
- Changed Email Addresses
We took advantage of the server change to change our
email addresses. Spam was crippling our inbox,
with over 1000 spam and phishing emails received
daily. If you need ot contact us, click on
'Contact' to the left.
- Current Work Update
We are currently working on multiple projects
www.MobileWizardry.com No further progress
has been attempted with Nintendo, so Freedom is
still not available. Sorry :(
April 27, 2005 -
No news is good news?
No, still no news on Freedom, unfortunately.
But the GREAT news is that we've reduced the
price of Liberty (when purchased directly from
us) to only $9.95! Thats over 40%
savings! If you've been waiting to buy, wait
no longer. The money you spend will still be
credited in full towards Freedom, if we are ever
able to release it.
I'll be at the Palmsource developers conference
this year. If you are coming, and would like
to meet up sometime, drop me an email!
August 31, 2004 -
STILL no "Freedom" :(
We are currently exchanging registered letters
with Nintendo's lawyers, and will not be releasing
Freedom until the issues are resolved. As far
as status, Freedom plays Game Boy Color games
perfectly, with excellent sound quality. The
user interface still isn't complete, since we've
been working on other projects in the meantime.
More news as soon as we have it!
- Palm powered Expert Guide

I'm now the official "Expert" on
emulation for the Palm OS! Be sure to read about
all the great emulators available for our favorite
Platform at: The
PalmSource Emulators Guide. Why not check out
ALL the great articles that interest you?
Explore the PalmSource Applications page.